So ODS had another great game on Sunday; he is really enjoying tackle football. I just can't believe how big he has become in the past few months. Here are some action shots...
Every Saturday morning for the next month we will be entertained with watching YDS participate in flag football. Yesterday they won by forfeit, but they didn't let that get them down - they played a precticed game instead. :) Here are some pics...GO YDS!!!!! Fair Weather Fans! :)
Friday night football games have become a "family" affair. Besides ODS helping on the sidelines, our ODNephew plays in the he is "styling" his drum!
So my ODPrincess :) performed tonight during halftime of the game. Here are some pics I caught of her in action. Love YA!!!!
During halftime at the game, the older dance girls performed with the little girls from the school. I snapped some pics of a little girl that is the daughter of some very special friends of ours. As you can tell - she had a blast!
It seems as though our lives have hit overdrive here in the last few weeks. ODS has been busy not only with his own football practice and games, but he is also a student manager for the HS football team. I captured some moments of what our Friday nights are going to be like for the next 6 years.
I am a wife, a mother, a teacher, a writer and a Christian. I finally finished my Master's degree, and now have more time on my hands. My family is my life, and I love taking all of our memories and scrapping them.