Friday, December 28, 2007

I'm scrapping again...



YDS Camp


ODS Camp


Sunday, December 23, 2007

December 22 - Christmas...

We had Christmas with the IL's, and we had a great time! There was lots of laughter, talking, relaxing, playing, and just a joyful spirit in the air. We were all comfy and cozy from the warmth of the wood burning stove, and the delicious chili. It was peaceful, and truly a family affair.

DFIL even pulled out the guitar and played Christmas carols for the Grandkids...

We even got the chance to take a few family photos...

Even the animals were tired by last night!

What a great Christmas, and some wonderful memories!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Christmas Present came early...

ODS got a Christmas presnet early this year. His favorite team is the Tennessee Titans, who just happened to be playing the KC Chiefs this last weekend, so ODS and DH wnet to the game! ODS had a great time, and he couldn't believe that he was only 11 rows from where the Titans were playing! Here are some pics...enjoy!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Candid shots over the past few days...

We have had at lest one snow day, but the majority of the snow has decided to come through on the weekends. Needless to say - it is COLD!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Did some scrapping this weekend...

The Giving Tree


Getting Older

Saturday, December 08, 2007

To remember her by...

I put together a movie for our little girl. Enjoy and remember...

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Sad News...Bye Baby Girl

Today we lost our precious baby girl Unity. Our pretty little princess had been with us for almost 6 years, and I think they were 6 great years for her. For those of you who don't know, our little Unity was rescued from a horrible puppy mill of September 11, 2001 - hence the name. We gave her a loving home, a warm bed, tons of food and treats, and just down right spoiled her. After all, she deserved it. Before she came home with us she didn't know she could be loved, but over the past 6 years that is all she got. She learned to love and trust, she learned to play and relax, but expecially she learned she was finally safe.

Her problems started a few months ago, and we knew this day would come; but that didn't make the last few days any easier. She started showing signs late Tuesday night, and by last night we knew we were losing her and that she was in pain. After the hard life she lived before coming home, we couldn't allow her to feel any pain anymore. I stayed with her last night reassuring her that it would be okay, and that it was okay to let go and go with peace. And that is what she did this morning. She knew it was time, and she was at peace with the hard decision we had to make. It was harder for us to let go, than it was for her.

She has slipped away from us, but she has crossed into a place where she will never have to fear or feel pain ever again. She was couragous and strong, loving and loyal, she was happy and carefree, but most of all she was loved. We will miss you baby girl, and we will see you soon...until then...give God hugs and puppy kisses from us.

We Will Always Love You,

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Scrapping again!!


PP, CS & letters: Crate Paper
sticker: EK Success
Pen: Zig

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Our Christmas Postcard

Gypsy's first LO!

Here is a digi LO I did for Gypsy...
Digi Elements by Jennifer Trippetti

Getting Artsy...

So, as you can tell I haven't scrapped in the last few months, but now that I am done with my Masters - I'm scrapping again. I took today to work on some entries in my art journal. Have to get the mojo flowing again!
100 things I Love...


Right Now
