So our lives have slowed down just a tad; although, we still are doing quite a bit of running. Football is finally over, the play is well under way, Halloween is coming, and the puppies are living the life of Reilly. This was our first week where we haven't had to run to football practices and games, so we were able to sit down and eat as a family this week. Which seemed quite strange at first, but we enjoyed having the time together. ODS begins basketball practice this next Monday, so at least we had a week off of activities. YDS's basketball won't start until December, so he has a little longer of a break. Every year it seems as though we go right from one activity to another; however, I am happy that the boys want to be active in sports. It is great exercise, and it teaches them some important life lessons. Hey - if they are happy, I am happy. I will deal with the running, because there will come a day when we won't have to run anymore (and I will probably miss it).