Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring is for the birds...

There are many people who find birds a little annoying. I find them peaceful. They are the first one's to signal the beginning of spring. The sweet chirps in the morning welcoming the new day, a new season - it is calming. I love birds. They are one of God's creations that are fragile yet strong. I have bird feeders throughout my backyard, and I have created a little special nook where I can sit and just listen to everything going on. My little place has flowers, a bench, statues, bird feeders & a bird bath. It is my place where I can go and enjoy the beauty of everything that God has created. It helps me come back to my spirit and soul - after all that is where God would want me.

1 comment:

Aimeslee Winans said...

We have a Mockingbird couple nesting in the bush at our bedroom window. He's too funny - he waits on the roof above the dogbowl til it's safe to go steal a nugget, then flies away. Does this several times a day. State bird of Texas, so DH can do NOTHING to him, too. LOL