Monday, December 22, 2008

Musical concerts...

Both boys had Christmas concerts. You already know that YDS had a solo, but I have placed pictures up of ODS playing in the band as well. Here are a few of the highlights. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Card...

I finally got the chance to put together our Christmas Card for this year! Enjoy and Happy Holidays...

Friday, December 12, 2008

YDS Sings...

YDS's Christmas concert was tonight. All four grandparents made it up to watch YDS as he sang Silent Night as a solo. He did an amazing job - here is some video. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Basketball begins...

ODS has started basketball already. His team had a tournament last weekend. They got second place, but it was just nice to see him out there doing his best. He is groing up so fast! Here are a couple of pictures - enjoy.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A lasting memory...

Grandpa was a collector of hats, and everyone knew it. So many people brought him hats from all over, which he lovingly hung up in his work shed. At the auction instead on auctioning off the hats, we hung them up in a row - all 700+ of them. We made a simple sign saying that "If you see a hat you like - take it - it's free ~ Bernie". There were hats left at the end of the day, but many were taken by the people who cared about Grandpa. It was a memory we could take away, and one that will never leave our minds. Thanks again Grandpa.

Family Matters...

Here are some more shots from the truly was a family affair.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Family shots..

Tonight I thought I would focus on some family pictures that I took on Saturday. I tried to take a few good shots of the boys, the in-laws, and Jon. One thing that did happen on Saturday was that DH cut his hand while hanging Grandpa's hat. (A sledge hammer and a hand do not mix!) The cut hit the bone, since it was so deep I took him to a nearby town for three stitches. Yes - I got a picture of the hand. Anyway, enjoy tonight's pictures and remember to check back tomorrow for some more pictures of us setting up for the auction.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Family Matters...

We had a long, cold weekend together as a family. We prepared for Grandpa's sale, and held it today. I took a few pictures this weekend of the family both getting ready and during the sale. So stay tuned over the next couple of days for an in depth reflection on the emotions of this weekend. But I will start with this...
Grandpa was a man who accumulated a number of items during his lifetime; as many possessions as any other person would collect over fifty years in the same house. However the possessions are not what he left us physically, but it is the legacy that he has left behind. It is that legacy that flows through all of us, and drifts ever so gingerly through our minds in times of remembrance. Thanks for everything Grandpa, and I think you were very proud of your

(Remember to click on the picture to see it in high resolution.)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Spooky Sights...

Gooood Eevening...and welcome to our night if frights...hahahahahahahahaaaaaaa

So here are a few "scary" shots that we took tonight. We even had one sent to us; of course it is of our DLN. She is not so scary, but she is pretty darn cute! PS - YDS is the "dead football player". Hahahahahahahahaaaaa.......Enjoy.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Weekend update...

So our lives have slowed down just a tad; although, we still are doing quite a bit of running. Football is finally over, the play is well under way, Halloween is coming, and the puppies are living the life of Reilly. This was our first week where we haven't had to run to football practices and games, so we were able to sit down and eat as a family this week. Which seemed quite strange at first, but we enjoyed having the time together. ODS begins basketball practice this next Monday, so at least we had a week off of activities. YDS's basketball won't start until December, so he has a little longer of a break. Every year it seems as though we go right from one activity to another; however, I am happy that the boys want to be active in sports. It is great exercise, and it teaches them some important life lessons. Hey - if they are happy, I am happy. I will deal with the running, because there will come a day when we won't have to run anymore (and I will probably miss it).

Monday, October 13, 2008

A teenager in the house...

It was shocking to wake up this morning with the realization that we now officially have a teenager in the house. It just seems like yesterday when we were bringing him home from the hospital. Here are a few teenage pics we would like to share with you. Enjoy & Happy B-Day ODS!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Music Men

Everyone is so accustomed to seeing our sons playing sports, but they do have another side to them. They are both quite musically inclined. YDS was asked to sing the National Anthem at a Volleyball game this last week, and ODS played in the band before, during the game, and for the halftime show. Here are a few pics of them showing off their musical attributes.