Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Where does the time go?

So I'm sitting here tonight. The boys and I watched the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and I was thinking about how I used to hold them in my lap and snuggle under a blanket to watch all the Christmas shows. They are too big for that now! LOL!! But they still watched it with me. When it was finished I went to check on DH (he got a VCR/DVD recorder today) and he was transferring one of our tapes to DVD. It was when the boys were younger. I watched them on the screen thinking wow - that can't have been that long ago! But it was. Although they have grown up, I can look back on them and still see how their little personalities have stuck with them. They still have the same habits, mannerisms, and essence. They are so precious to me - they will always be my little boys no matter how big they get!

1 comment:

Kruzin' said...

Well said...
