Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I have been tagged by a friend (Jennifer) at CMK to tell 6 quirky things about me. Here it goes...

1) I have always hada fear of have water on my face. That is one of the reasons I don't like taking showers - I am more of a bubble-bath type of girl. This allows me to keep my face high and dry! LOL!

2) I don't like to walk barefoot in the grass...ask my mom. I have been like that since I was little. I'm getting itchy just thinking about how scratchy it would feel!

3) I love to sleep! I could probably sleep all day if my conscience would let me!

4) I can't listen to music without getting up and dancing! That must just be the 11 years of dance class filtering its way back to the top!

5) I can't sleep if there is any noise in the house. I can normally lay there and tell what song is softly playing on the boys' radios. So I have to get up and turn them off before I can sleep. I also turn of the humidifier. Now if I could only turn off Dh's snoring! LOL!

6) I have hair issues. During the summer I keep my hair cut short (Bob style), and then starting in August I let it start to grow out. Then every April or May I get it chopped off for the summer again. This is a cycle that I have continued to do for half of my life now! So why you may ask...because my hair keeps my ears and neck warm in the winter! LOL!! Silly - I know.

Well I'm off to tag a friend; I hope you enjoyed learning a few of my little quirks.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

this is so much fun! Thanks for playing! I enjoyed reading your quirks.