Friday, June 22, 2007

WOW! Is it about over?

Okay - it is 2:30 in the morning, and I am just getting around to checking my blog. I haven't checkied it since last night, and for me - that is a record. So what was I doing? SCHOOL WORK!! Yep, that right. I spent part of last night putting together a "shot" list for my final movie for class.

Then today I took my wonderful and amazing neice to school with me so we could shoot away! By the way sweetie - THANKS!!! You are such a sweetheart for helping me!

So - the picture. Well I had to take YDS with me, no big deal he normally just chills out. So there I am taking some stills and video, when I realized - Wow he is awfully quiet. So I looked out the door, and there he was lying between the two classrooms playing his Gameboy. He wasn't even phased when I snapped the photo. LOL!!!

After the "photo shoot", we stopped by and ate at Burger King on the way home. But, from the moment I got home until about 2:00 I was working on my final projects for my class. Granted I know they aren't due until Sunday, but I wasn't going to tempt fate! So you would think that with my final projects done - it's over right? NOPE - There are still some presonal reflections about my own work, and my classmates (17) work that I have to do...So - is it over yet?

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