Monday, March 27, 2006

Activity? What is too much?

WOW! That is the definition of my life! My life is always chalk full of things that are going on - many things happening at one time - running here running there. When I was little all of the activities were mine, but now I have all the boys activities!

Here is a good example - Right now I am in the middle of directing the Spring Play, both boys have soccer practice twice a weeks & games on two days a week (needless to say they never end up on the same day!), church on Wednesdays & Sundays. That is a typical week anymore! Then you add on my job, Dh's job, dentist appointments, doctor appointments, ot to mention trying to scrapbook! It is amazing I get anything done! But with as busy as my life is - I know it would drive some people crazy - I am very relaxed! I know God is in control - and he'll lead me where he needs me. My life has a purpose - and how can I pass up being a teacher, a director, a mother, a wife, and a friend. I touch some many people in one day - that has purpose.

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