Sunday, April 09, 2006

My favorite flower...

I love all kinds of flowers! I have such a green thumb when it comes to growing things outside, but give me a house plant and I will kill it in two weeks! I have a favorite for every season, but let me tell you about my favorite. Every year there is a flower that I can't wait to see come back up after the long winter. Although my wait for it to appear takes until June or July. Gladiolas - the tall stalks projecting high into the air, and the brilliant blooms that don't seem to stay long enough. They are spectacular! This was my Grandmother's favorite flower - she loved the white ones! So every year I make sure that I plant some white ones to remember her by. I plant over 100 bulbs a year - and they are truly the star of my garden.

Here's to you Grandma!

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