Sunday, April 02, 2006


We have had a string of strange storms lately! Last week we had a snowstorm that dumped 17 inches of snow! Then this week - we have had 4-5 inches of rain and a few severe storms! In fact it is storming as I am typing this! Our weather is always so unpredictable here! I use to be scared of storms, but the older I get I love them! I love hearing thunder while I try to sleep, and the rain hitting the roof is so relaxing!

Storms could be compared with life. Just like life, we have storms that brew in our lives. Yet when it is over - there is a calm and a soothing smell in the air. I just always try to remeber that "This to shall pass."

1 comment:

Aimeslee Winans said...

Yeah, I perk up whenver they mention Nebraska on the weather here lately, been tumultuous for you guys. I always say, I *know* someone in NB. Hey, nobody else in my family can say that! LOL